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- Kategoria: Język angielski
- Odsłony: 1030
W minionym tygodniu uczniowie klas 2b i 2c mieli możliwość wzięcia udziału w dwóch wyjątkowych wydarzeniach organizowanych przez Ambasadę Amerykańską w Warszawie.
W poniedziałek 19 października br. uczniowie uczestniczyli w wirtualnym spotkaniu z Jennifer Thomas. Profesor dziennikarstwa oraz była producentka stacji CNN podzieliła się swoimi obserwacjami i opinią na temat kluczowej roli mediów w wyborach w USA. Jennifer przedstawiła funkcję mediów w kontekście wyborczym (informowanie, analizowanie, promowanie obywatelskiego udziału) oraz rolę mediów jako strażnika demokracji.
W czwartek 22 października br. uczniowie Pobożniaka wzięli udział w dyskusji online z wybitnym amerykańskim filmowcem i dokumentalistą Stanleyem Nelsonem. Spotkanie poświęcone było Freedom Riders, czarnoskórym i białym Amerykanom walczącym przeciwko segregacji rasowej, których dramatyczną historię Stanley Nelson przedstawił w swoim wielokrotnie nagradzanym dokumencie o tym samym tytule. Wydarzenie moderowane było przez Williama Glass'a profesora historii społecznej USA w Ośrodku Studiów Amerykańskich Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Spotkania z Jennifer Thomas oraz ze Stanleyem Nelsonem (prowadzone poprzez aplikację Zoom) znalazły uznanie wśród uczniów obu klas:
The lecture by Jennifer Thomas was in my opinion very educational. I have learned about the role that media plays in creating people's political views and how important it is to give candidates equal opportunities and time in order to be impartial. My image of media has definitely changed because of the presentation. (Lidia, 2c)
Mass media have a huge impact on how do people see reality. The perfect visualization can be the video with apple shown on the Jennifer's Thomas presentation. Some people can say and try to convince others that it is a banana, when in reality an apple is still an apple. When people are not alert and open-eyed they can be manipulated by media or politicians. (Marta, 2b)
The lecture by Jennifer Thomas was really interesting. It gave us an opportunity to understand the importance and impact that traditional and social media have on election. The presentation showed how situation of journalists look like in United States. We learned how big variety of information sources is, starting from traditional media like TV and ending with Social Media like Twitter. Personally, I think it's important that people learn about media and its influence on us. Society should be able to sort and filter all the information that are received every day. (Hania, 2c)
As Jennifer Thomas said there is a very common phenomenon as misinformation and disinformation. I think that we should pay less attention to what is written on the internet and just read news sometimes from a trustful source. After all nothing happens if we won't know which dress did Rihanna wear on the latest gala. (Danylo, 2b)
The lecture by Jennifer Thomas was worth listening. In such a short time I managed to find out a lot of things, such as how the media in the USA have a big influence on people and choices they make. I also learned some facts for example, that being a journalist is an extremely responsible job, firstly because people trust you and secondly because a lot of politicians just ignore the questions and answer in the way they want, so they will feel comfortable. Frankly speaking, I think this was a great lecture, not only due to the fact that I consider myself as a person who is really into American politics, but also it was something that could help realize some things about politics in general. (Hanna, 2c)