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- Kategoria: Język angielski
- Odsłony: 740
6 października br. uczniowie Pobożniaka wzięli udział w wirtualnym spotkaniu z Jessicą Bruder – autorką bestsellerowego ‘Nomadland’, na podstawie którego powstał oskarowy film o takim samym tytule. Podczas spotkania Jessica opowiedziała o kulisach powstawania reportażu – swojej kilkumiesięcznej przygodzie w kamperze by naocznie dokumentować życie setek Amerykanów, którzy porzucili swoje domostwa i wybrali życie na czterech kółkach.
I attended a meeting with the author of the book Nomadland. It took place at zoom and lasted almost an hour. The meeting was very interesting. I can say that I spent this time productively. The topic that Jessica Bruder raised is interesting for me and I decided to watch the movie with the same title as the book. I really enjoyed the way she spoke about the people she spent so much time with. I found this meeting very inspiring and made me reflect on life. (Julia B., 2b)
I’m glad I had a chance to take part in a meeting with this author. I enjoyed the meeting and in my opinion Jessica Bruder talked about her experiences in a really interesting way. I think that her book has opened a little bit the eyes of many people as we don’t often hear about Nomads and their lifestyle. She made me curious to both read her book and watch the film. (Asia P., 2b)