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- Kategoria: Język angielski
- Odsłony: 775
16 listopada nasi uczniowie uczestniczyli w wirtualnym spotkaniu z Marshą Ivins, byłą astronautką NASA, która spędziła 55 dni w kosmosie podczas swoich pięciu misji w NASA. Marsha mówiła o eksploracji kosmosu przez człowieka i aspektach nauki, które stoją za każdą misją kosmiczną. Podzieliła się również swoim osobistym doświadczeniem pobytu w kosmosie, czym wzbudziła niezwykle emocje wśród uczestników spotkania. Spotkanie było kolejnym wydarzeniem zorganizowanym w ramach Programu „Meet America” realizowanego przez Ambasadę Stanów Zjednoczonych w Warszawie.
(…) I can say that it was one of my favorite meetings so far. Marsha shared with us her very inspiring story. She was only the 11th woman working for NASA when she started and nobody believed that she would accomplish so much. Luckily, she didn’t give up and she has shown everybody that as a woman she can do everything. I really appreciate that during the presentation Marsha was showing many photos and videos. It helped me concentrate and make it even more interesting. The photos of Earth from the space station were breathtaking. They were so beautiful and of great quality that I could compare them to wallpapers on my phone. I also remember when she showed a photo of Rzeszów and the next photo of New York. Wow, the difference between these two cities was so easy to see even in space. Marsha also shared with us many interesting facts. For example, cosmonauts swallow their toothpaste after brushing their teeth or in the space station they have a special vacuum for cutted hair. To conclude, although I am not into astronomy and all that jazz, I really enjoyed the meeting and it was totally worth attending.
Kasia 3b
I enjoyed the meeting. I was in awe of experiments conducted in 0 G environment. Pictures presented by Marsha unveil the light pollution problem. To my mind, technical solutions applied on ISS are brilliant.
Antek 3f
(…) I can say that it was the best meeting I have ever had the opportunity to participate in (and also the largest because for the first time there were more than 300 participants)! The photos were downright OTHERWORLDLY and Marsha herself showed us how wonderful astronauts’ life is. I have to admit that I envy her a lot for experiencing such an adventure in space.
Daria 3g