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- Szczegóły
- Kategoria: Język angielski
- Odsłony: 996
26 listopada uczniowie Pobożniaka wzięli udział w unikatowym wydarzeniu - pierwszej edycji Nocy Anglistów. Był to wieczór pełen wykładów i prezentacji przygotowanych przez ośrodki anglistyczne z całej Polski. Celem inicjatywy było pokazanie myśli i potencjału naukowego polskiej anglistyki, ukazanie nieprawdziwości mitu, że anglistyka to wyłącznie nauka języka, zapoznanie z prowadzonymi przez polskich anglistów badaniami z dziedziny literaturoznawstwa, językoznawstwa, przekładoznawstwa i metodyki, a także zainteresowanie bogatą ofertą polskich anglistyk uczniów wybierających się na studia filologiczne. Zapożyczenia w języku angielskim, geneza i znaczenie idiomów, kobiece kino niezależne i eksperymentalne, młodzi artyści, akcent i jego znaczenie – to tylko niektóre z wielu wykładów i warsztatów, w których wzięli udział uczniowie II LO im. Mieszka I w Szczecinie.
How to rob other languages and get away with it? This question was the title of one of today’s lectures. It focused on the history of foreign words in English. The main reasons for borrowings mentioned during the webinar were utility and prestige. Some foreign vocabulary became loanwords because of discoveries and inventions e.g. sputnik taken from Russian. Other words appeared useful for survival to communicate with the conquerors e.g. skill and kill used by Vikings. But the best part of the topic was about exotic vocabulary, especially food and dishes such as chicken (French), vanilla (Spanish), ketchup (Chinese), potato (American Indian) and kasha (Polish). The lecture was a little bit boring at the beginning because it was mainly theoretical. Fortunately, later there were some funny examples, but I’m not sure if I should enclose them here since they were quite controversial :) (Marta 1b)
The lecture concerned phrasal verbs and their usage. Introduction was presented in an interesting way that encouraged me to watch further. Phrasal verbs were explained in simple terms. Doctor used expressions, that were understandable. Examples were given from daily life, so watcher could imagine presented situation. Daily phrases helped me to understand phrasal verbs functions better. Each and every example has been slowly and carefully explained, so after watching the lecture I had no questions about it. Doctor's presentation was very clear and understandable. In addition to the computer presentation, the lecturer showed various situations live, explaining the meaning of the phrasal verb in a given case. I really liked the idea of explaining the title of lecture. Presentation didn't last very long and all the important information were included in it, which is a big advantage. I enjoyed the lecture, I have learned how to use phrases that I can use in everyday communication. (Amelia 1b)
The lecture was about pronunciation of English words in American way. It lasted for 50 minutes, At first, the lady explained rules of correct pronunciation and then we practised them. I find all kinds of accents really interesting. These days I’m fascinated with British accents especially Cockney, Midlands and old RP. That’s why I have chosen that topic, moreover American accent is quite popular. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I reckon that pointing out rules is a backbone to understand how the accent works is crucial yet I don't agree with the things that were said. According to the anchor, practising every day is a key to become fluent and sound like a native speaker. In my opinion this way of training could pay off, however alluding to my example it doesn’t work like that with everyone. People are different and as far as I could see brute repeating for the words wasn’t the best way to remember the pronunciation. I'm myself an audile and I prefer to hear others saying the words and then I am able to repeat it in the same way they did. My point is that there are many ways of learning many accents. One should find most suitable one and learn the accent they would like to learn. (Hania 3c)
I took part in a meeting about creative writing with Cecilia Woloch. She is an american writer and teacher at the university in Rzeszów. I really enjoyed listening to her voice and accent. She talked about how to write poems. I liked that she was talking primarily about inspiration, because that's the hardest part. I decided to use the exercise with choosing crazy combinations of random words and try to compose a poem from them. There is often more fun with poems than with stories because they don't have to make sense. They are even better when you need to express any emotions. During the classes, Cecilia offered to help the students and was very kind to them. She praised every poem they recited. I personally liked the first poem about fruits and gifts. It was extremely inventive. I also noticed that during recitation the students were nervous and their hands were shaking. I'm glad I'm not the only one :). After the quote from William Carlos Williams ("We're bombared by thousands poems a day. All we have to do is open our eyes and see them"), Cecilia encouraged me to get acquainted with the author. "If you're doing everything correctly, you won't make art" this is a very reliable statement and an expression of understanding for writers who make mistakes like any other person, and sometimes even more because we are extremely chaotic :). She also stressed that poems do not come from ideas but words, and that it must be a pleasure to write. It really motivated me to keep writing, even though it is not always fun, especially when experiencing really strong emotions. I really liked the workshops with Cecilia and the whole idea of Noc Anglistów. (Emma 3c)