Informacje przedmiotowe
- Szczegóły
- Kategoria: Rekrutacja
- Odsłony: 5575
W sobotę 14 listopada bieżącego roku uczniowie II LO w Szczecinie wzięli udział w VI już edycji największych targów uczelnianych w Polsce.
Elab Education Festival to całodzienne święto edukacji międzynarodowej. Wydarzenie co roku gromadzi przedstawicieli uniwersytetów z całego świata, absolwentów, którzy dzięki studiom zagranicznym odnieśli sukces zawodowy, rodziców, a przede wszystkim młodych ludzi — którzy dopiero planują swoją przygodę z edukacją zagraniczną.
W tym roku Elab Education Festival, ze względu na szalejącą pandemię, odbył się w formie ONLINE, jednakże przeniesienie imprezy do sieci dało możliwość wzięcia w nim udziału większej ilości licealistów.
Webinary i warsztaty online w języku angielskim, możliwość uzyskania informacji nt. procesu rekrutacji na poszczególne uczelnie, stoiska największych uniwersytetów zagranicznych, a wszystko w MEGAINTERAKTYWNEJ hali wystawowej.
Czy się podobało?
I took part in „Creative Careers - Why the arts are a smart choice for your future job prospects”- I decided to join this webinar, as I’m really interested in art and it’s something that I would like to do in the future. I think this lecture was actually interesting! It made me realize, how important art is in our industry. I realized that it is possible to make art your job, that is also well paid and that can provide a comfortable life for you. That’s why it gave me hope, that I can fulfill my dream of becoming a fashion designer. I really enjoyed this lecture. The man leading it seemed really friendly and passionate, which automatically made me really invested in the webinar. (Zosia, 2c)
The first lecture I attended was the lecture entitled "Study in the USA - make your American dream come true!", which was conducted by Katarzyna Michalska and Lila Nguyen. It started with a kahoot that all live participants could take part in. It was about the main topic, and right after that, the questions raised in the quiz were explained in order. You could find out that that to get into a university in the USA you need to have very good grades, passed the SAT, original and distinctive application essay and lots of additional activities. Additionally, you must have passed the IELTS or TOFEL exam. Additional activities are extremely important, and the more there are and the more interesting they are, the better. An application essay may be more loosely written than an essay for the UK, it is about showing what kind of person you are and to interest the reader with your person. Additionally, you must have references from teachers. There are 3700 universities in the USA, and this lecture showed some of the best in order. There was also the question of scholarships and of different types, and whether finances affect the admission decision. As it turns out, some universities take into account financial issues. (Sara, 3f)
I really liked it. I enjoyed reading about this Colleges in London and I got really interested in Oxford and West one. Also before this festival I thought about a college in London so it was very helpful. (Laura, 1b)
I attended todays Elab festival. I was only on two webinars however it was very helpful. The first one was about what is important when going to university and the other one bout how to choose your direction picking the studies. The one thing that is important is that all of the leaders where comparing UK, EU and America. It’s good to know what the fees are and if there is any possibility to get a scholarship. Another thing is they kept on giving us examples of universities. Now, I have to do some of the tests which were mentioned and discover what I want to do in life. And again, Denmark is winning!! (Wiktoria, 2Ga)
I've already known some requirements for foreign universities, but I didn't know the details. Thanks to the meetings I'm more aware of how can I prepare for studies, what options do I have, what should I focus on now and most of all how can I work on myself, what can I do to become the person I want to be in the future. I also made myself sure of the belief that I've been thinking about for some time - school is not everything, my grades sometimes don't really matter and I should develop my skills in the fields of knowledge that bring me satisfaction and self-fulfillment. The vast majority of universities want students that do something interesting and have a potential to become successful in the future. It's really hard to combine interests and school and be really good at both of them at the same time, but I think I have to try as much as I can. There are a lot of things I could write about, because the webinars were truly helpful and useful. I also came to the conclusion that I have to improve my writing skills. I really have to. And I will do it :) (Marta, 2b)